This quickfix is about muting search highlights when using the text editor Emacs with its vim emulation Evil Mode.

Problem description

Sometimes the quickest way to navigate through a file with vim is to enter a search term and work your way through the search results if necessary. Search highlighting may assist you by providing a visual clue as to what your current found result is and where the next results are. /images/quick_emacs_hls_search_results.png However, as soon as the cursor is in your desired position, search highlighting persists and can become a nuisance. Fortunately, there is a quick way to mute it on demand: The :noh command (short for :nohlsearch) has exactly this purpose. If you want an even more comfortable solution, you can create a custom shortcut in vim. Drew Neil suggests in Tip 80 of his book Practical Vim to bind the :noh command as an add-on to the key combination Ctrl+l:

1nnoremap <silent> <C-l> :<C-u>nohlsearch<CR><C-l>

This makes sense because Ctrl+l normally redraws the buffer in vim and muting of search highlights is a sensible feature to add. In Emacs, we may do the same and bind Ctrl+l to a macro executing the strokes :noh in evil normal state. However, there is a slightly faster solution available.


The variable evil-ex-commands, as its name suggests, contains the information which ex command corresponds to which lisp function. A quick call to describe variable (shortcut Ctrl+h Ctrl+v) and a search for "nohl" yield that :noh call the lisp function evil-ex-nohighlight. Thus,

1;;; Shortcut for muting search highlighting
2(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "C-l") 'evil-ex-nohighlight)

is the desired solution. Note that the standard behaviour of Ctrl+l in Emacs is to recenter the viewpoint at bottom, top or original center, a functionality which I personally do not need since Evil mode provides some alternatives (for example, H, M, and L jump to the top, center, and bottom, respectively, of the current buffer and zz centers the current cursor position vertically). However, if you also want to redraw the buffer just like in the vim solution the elisp function redraw-frame seems to do the trick.

1;;; Shortcut for redrawing the current frame/buffer and muting search highlighting
2(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "C-l") (progn 'redraw-frame 'evil-ex-nohighlight))